floral hem pearl from autochthonous mouth eighty dialects hang by industrious hair fish out mucus silver tap salt wave trench fruiting * happened all tunneled into one infant for whom sensation fares feet out upper limit scrunchie lower limit kneesock three sentences of 350 pp iterable prick up at such length mere worlds ends * bicycles stream by weekenders snap purple green cactus high sculpture on wheels slows the streetcar waterbirds and cars sonically go people dress to drink their water I cannot take credit for any cruel theater or secure tables for my lover fast enough we vision each other on left blade a green jewel point eye of a panther resurrected comfort catacombs gray-greens open overgrow haul ass arc of joan * this folding fan has a monocle lens in each cloudshell blade this prism bombsight is pocket sized this field telescope has manga eyes dilated with teary dots this sextant comes in threes this replica lighthouse pauses concentric rippling (bellow ye wickies for jeweled beams) this gridiron segments a specked loafer smack there in the grass rectangle I could not see to see by apron floriscope bullet counter weight leaf pastry countertop radial