Jan Dennis Destajo, Quezon City Jan Dennis Destajo is from Daet, Camarines Norte. He was a recipient of the First Prize for Poetry in the 32nd Gawad Ustetika and a fellow for poetry at the 20th IYAS National Writers Workshop. His writings are forthcoming or have appeared in 5x5, Hoxie Gorge Review, Poetry, Shelter Magazine, and elsewhere. He lives and works in Quezon City.

Pole of Inaccessibility

In the middle of the Pacific, 
A junkyard for what 
Allows this modern life. 

Another, a plastic bust 
Facing north, frozen 
In time by the white 

Darkness of the Antarctic. 
It's one thing to define 
Fragility by creating 

Things set for permanence. 
Or to say: we were here. 
But it will yet be 

The better demonstration 
Compared to the promise 
Of architecture, its lasting 

Provisional: you 
were never really here 
until the next one burns.